After a rusty start we started to get back in the groove. Conditions throughout the day were wet and challenging but absolutely great fun. There were a few times when I felt out of control which is a little unusual. Typically the experienced hands of JW leave my control-freak nature completely in tact!
Thanks to Jon for the great car preparation, the service crew for keeping us going and Murray Coote - I've never met you but every bump I thank you! - for the smoooth suspension. Congrats to the winners, your times were amazing in such challenging conditions.

Thanks also to Tom, Steuart and all of the other organisers, officials and volunteers who made the day run so smoothly. There were plenty of volunteers who we saw on multiple stages or in the service park on the entry/exit for 3 services. The whole day was well organised and ran perfectly to schedule. Special thanks to the little guy with the lollies on stage 1. You gave up your warm egg and bacon roll to be offering lollies to navs and drivers - you have a long future in rallying!
The only thing that didn't feel right about the day.....was that the combination of a roof vent that closed and a heater that worked meant I didn't freeze in the car. I could get used to Luxury Rallying!
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